Sean's blog - Automotive repair fan

Automobile repair fan

Hello! My name is Sean Jordan, and I live in Stockton, California! When I was 16 and my father gave me his car, I've crashed it in about half of an hour. The reason was the tire explosion. When we fixed the car, once again I was pierced another tire next day. Since then I've understood the value of tires and their maintenance. Through the next couple of years, I've become a car enthusiast and a professional car mechanic. I worked in a small body shop and then in a garage for next few years. When my experience leveled up I've become a car-mechanic in a pro repair service. Now I want to share my experience of cars repair, and especially tires wear, change and maintenance. Thus I use this blog. Please join in and ask me whatever you want! I'd like to be helpful and meet new car enthusiasts!

© 2018 Sean Jordan
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